Understanding Trauma-Informed Care, PTSD and Treatment Modalities
Learning Objectives
- understand the core principles of trauma-informed care and recognize the key findings and implications of the ACE study.
- define PTSD, identify its symptoms, and understand the connection between trauma and the development of PTSD.
- explain the core principles of ACT, understand how it can be integrated into trauma-informed care approaches, and engage in role-play exercises to demonstrate its application.
Target Audience
Thursday, December 07, 2023
402 N. High St., Columbus, OH, 43215
09:00 AM EST - 04:00 PM EST
Register for this eventAbout the speaker
A. Welcome and opening remarks
B. Brief overview of the agenda
C. Importance of trauma-informed care and its relevance in PTSD treatment
II. 9:10-10:30a.m.
Understanding Trauma and the ACE Study
A. Defining trauma and its impact on individuals.
B. Introduction to the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study
C. Key findings and implications of the ACE study
D. Q&A and discussion
III. 10:30-11:00a.m.
Trauma-Informed Care Principles
A. Exploring the core principles of trauma-informed care.
B. How trauma-informed care applies to individuals with PTSD.
C. Case studies and real-world examples
D. Group discussion and interactive activities
IV. 11:00-11:300a.m.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
A. Definition, symptoms, and diagnosis of PTSD
B. The prevalence of PTSD and its impact on individuals and society
C. The connection between trauma and the development of PTSD
D. Sharing personal experiences or testimonials (if appropriate)
V. 11:30-12:00a.m.
Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) (1 hour)
A. Explanation of the ACT model and its core principles
B. How ACT can be applied to trauma and PTSD treatment.
C. Case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of ACT in PTSD recovery.
D. Q&A and group discussions
Lunch Break 12:-1:00
VI. 1:00-2:15p.m.
Integrating ACT into Trauma-Informed Care
A. Practical strategies for incorporating ACT into trauma-informed care approaches.
B. Role-play exercises to illustrate the application of ACT in therapy.
C. Group activities and discussions on challenges and successes in integrating ACT.
D. Real-world examples of organizations using ACT in trauma-informed care.
VII. 2:15-315p.m.
Implementing Trauma-Informed Care and ACT in Practice
A. Overcoming barriers to implementation
B. Developing trauma-informed care and ACT treatment plans.
C. Evaluating the effectiveness of these approaches.
D. Q&A and final thoughts
VIII. 3:15-4:00p.m.
Conclusion and Closing Remarks
A. Summary of key takeaways
B. Resources for further support and education
CE Information - Earn 6 CE Credit Hours
CE Approvals
Ohio Board of Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists
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- Complete evaluation forms for the event
- Download your continuing education certificate in a PDF format
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